Jade Buddha, Hematite & Red Tiger Eye Bracelet

Jade Buddha, Hematite & Red Tiger Eye Bracelet


7 3/4’ stretch bracelet made using a large Buddha focal bead adorned with Chromitite, and Red Tiger Eye beads.

Green Jade

KEY WORDS: Health, abundance

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Pairs Well With: All Stones

Green Jade is a stone with a heart of healing, and a stone for healing the heart. The color of these stones is pure heart-chakra green, and the energies are so strong and steady, one feels a flow of well-being and balance almost immediately upon touching them. These are good stones to wear during sleep, both for their harmonious and nourishing vibrations and for their beneficial effect upon one’s dream life.

Green Jade is a classic abundance stone. It represents the flow of Divine energy into the realm of matter and the never-ending well of abundance that is the Universe. Green Jade is an Earth element stone in all respects, promoting the flow of money, fertility, and abundance in one’s life. It represents harmony and happiness in business and family relationships and is an excellent stone to use in one’s office or home environment to promote harmonious energy. Historically, Green Jade has been used for both tools and ornamentation, representing mastery of, and joy in, all aspects of the physical world. It teaches one to be master of one’s money, instead of money being one’s master.

Red Tiger Eye

KEY WORDS: Balance between extremes, discernment, vitality, strength, practicality, fairness, grounding, protection while traveling in vehicles.

CHAKRAS: Solar Plexus(3rd), Sacral (2nd), and Root (1st)


PAIRS WELL WITH: clear quartz, citrine, smoky quartz, amethyst, malachite, charoite, moldavite, and most jaspers.

Tiger Eye is a solar stone of vitality, practicality, and physical action. It stimulates the root and solar plexus chakras, assisting one in taking effective actions in response to the needs and challenges of physical life and remaining grounded, calm, and centered, regardless of the outer or inner situation.

As a stone of balance Tiger Eye works as it does with paradox. It allows one to find the harmonious center between all types of polarities. It helps one to see both sides in disagreements. It is an excellent stone for professional meditators. Those going through difficult negotiations such as divorce or custody battles are encouraged to bring along Tiger Eye. One’s own ability and willingness to find common ground with the other will often inspire a similar response.

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